September 2011 was the last time I had a hair cut. September 2012 I discovered Pantene Beautiful Lengths and wanted so badly to donate my hair so I planned to get it cut in November for National Donate your hair week. I had my appointment booked at the hair dressers for Thursday November 17 last year.
On Wednesday November 16 I got a phone call from Sam's surgeon saying that he could do Sam's kidney surgery the next day. The day of my hair appointment. Hmmmm which one would I cancel??
So of course we prepared for Sam's surgery, and I cancelled my hair appointment and gave my hair a few more months to grow. I finally made another hair appointment and I got the chop today. I started to get really nervous, not with the thought of losing my hair, but had thoughts that the hair dresser wouldn't listen to what I wanted done and I got a bad hair cut. Most women seem to worry about that one I think.
It all worked out and I was really happy, I even asked her to trim a little bit more when she'd finished. It is amazing what a good haircut can do for your confidence and helps you to feel refreshed and renewed again. So imagine what a new, real hair wig would do for a woman who has lost her hair due to breast cancer treatments.
When I found out about Pantene Beautiful Lengths program to donate free, real hair wigs to women in Australia who have lost their hair due to Breast Cancer treatment, I felt very strongly that this was something simple that I could do. I know my Aunt survived breast cancer and there are many other women I know or have known who have been touched by breast cancer. Apparently it takes 9 pony tails to make one real hair wig. I understand synthetic hair wigs are hot and uncomfortable and that real hair wigs are much more comfortable, I hope they are anyway.
This was just my way of helping. Give me two more years and I'll do it again.
. . . . and of course when I wake up tomorrow morning I will not have the salon perfect hair and it will look totally different.