Thursday 13 December 2007

Sam's 8th Birthday & Baptism

It was Sam's 8th Birthday in November and boy was he excited about it. You see in our church when you turn 8 years old you get baptised. On the Friday night after Sam's birthday we held the Baptism at our church. Donald was able to baptise our first born and what a special occasion it was.

So the Walker clan & Jan came down to help celebrate. It was quite a house full!

Sam also had a birthday party on the Saturday to share with his friends and he chose to have a "Y-Wing" fighter cake (from Star Wars).

Donald did a magnificent job on the decorating too! Sam thought it was the best cake yet!

This year rain or shine, thunder or hail, we were having a jumping castle for the party!  The castle came with a rain cover and it was half slide, half jumping castle.  It kept the boys entertained for hours. The kids had so much fun and so did the big kids.

That same weekend it was Waynes birthday, fortunately almost everyone was still staying with us so we got to celebrate with a BBQ.  Alister made this spectacular chocolate cream cake with strawberries as well as some yummy burgers.

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