Sunday 9 November 2008

Five days of Freedom

Parting was such sweet sorrow.  I walked the boys to school Monday morning and held back the tears all the way to school, my lips trembling as I bid them goodbye.  As I went to the shops to buy food for Donald and the boys for the week, I stifled a few tears.  We pulled up to the airport, I burst into tears and they flowed while I hugged Donald and kissed and smothered Toby in his car seat.  I walked to the baggage drop off, the tears dried and while I waited to board my plane I got excited at my new found freedom...4 nights and 5 days in Melbourne with my Aunty Desley.

Desley is my dad's sister and we have been buddies for a long time.  In the year that I was married I lived with Desley and John in their lovely house.  Donald and I got engaged in their house.  So I was looking forward to some family fun time.  Desley braved her fears and picked me up at Tullamarine airport and we made the mad drive past Melbourne city to the beautiful suburb of Malvern. 

I went for a walk the morning of Melbourne cup day, it was a public holiday for cup day so the neighbourhood was very quiet.  It was very chilly and clouds hung menacingly giving an air of dullness, although I felt elated to be rediscovering the streets I knew 13 years ago.  As I walked myself to a run, not a smile was to be shared from any passers by.  Those who I did pass and smile a greeting to were either taken aback or weren't sure how to respond.  If the sun were shining I'm sure it might have been a different story, maybe the tension of cup day prevented them from smiling.  I felt like I could've walked forever, I was excited to see the houses of Malvern once again.  

The houses with their carefully colour schemed paintwork, the terracotta gargoyles and roof decorations.  

Their beautifully groomed and tended gardens...and the roses...oh the roses in every garden, with their perfect blooms and luscious smells.

Unfortunately my body couldn't walk or run forever and I returned home rejuvenated and joyful.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

I love those charming houses. What a cool place to live and visit!!!