Thursday 2 April 2009


Today I said to Sam, "Remember what you needed to do after you finish your afternoon tea?"
Sam: "Uhhh, what?"
Me: "Homework!"
Sam: "Oh, I forgot" 
Toby: "Mummy and I have our homework to do too!"

A little while ago, most likely the week school began this year, I decided that because Toby started pre-school and would be away from home for the day that he should do homework when he comes home.  Toby's homework entails giving me hugs and kisses and my homework is to give hugs and kisses back.  At the time Toby thought it was a silly idea especially when I hounded him to do his homework, you know chasing after him for hugs and kisses.  Every week since then Toby has been doing his homework without fail.  Mentioning most earnestly that he'd forgotten his homework, or just coming up to me saying "You forgot your homework", or "I need to do my homework mummy".

Toby and I have a lot of homework to do.  

It makes me laugh. 

1 comment:

Suzi said...

Ahhh! Melty heart moment!
What a great way to spend quality time together and re-focus on the important things... homework!