Tuesday 29 April 2008

Ethan's Birthday

We celebrated Ethan's birthday at Ormiston with the rellies.  He was so excited to be turning six at last.  The boys spent the morning playing with the new toys and blowing up balloons, more to the truth attacking each other with the balloons and the balloons popping. Then when Uncle Alister came there was more balloon attacks and poppings.

It took us a little while to decide on a birthday cake for Ethan.  He first had in mind the Basilisk from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, as that is what he is reading at the moment.  I tried to sway him away from an evil, fanged snake with a sword sticking out of it's head birthday cake and Donald came up with a Clone Trooper from Star Wars.  We had some cake left over, so Donald also did Yoda.  They looked fantastic especially the expression on Yoda's face.

Donald the cake decorator.

Ethan had a little trouble blowing out the candles on the cake, there seemed to be wind coming from every direction.  Donald soon solved the problem.

We had some fun family photos too.

Cousins: Toby, Ava, Riley, Ethan & Sam

Back: My Uncle Mel, Donald, Lisha, Alister, Toby & Ethan
Front: My Aunt Lynne, Jan (my mum), Fiona, Riley, Ava & Sam


Mari said...

Those were some fantastic cakes! Donald should go into business :)

Roger said...

Donald is such a cake decorating star.

Suzi said...


Flip! Cor!.. I'm gob smacked
(Steve's birthday is NY's eve, mines Jan 19 and Lucas is Oct 5th.. Any of these suit you?) lol!

Stacy said...

I think I need to hire your services for several birthdays coming up! Awesome job.

Deb said...

looks like a great party!!!

awesome job on the cakes!!!