Wednesday 30 April 2008

Laidley sunrise

In the holidays we spent a couple of nights out at Laidley again, just the 5 of us this time and we even got to sleep in the "shed".  It is so peaceful and refreshing out there and the shed is the size of a house with lots of open spaces.

I woke up one morning before the sun rose and went outside with the camera in hand to capture the days first rays.  I think some of these photos take up about a quarter of the 504 photos.  It is just magical for me to be outside when the sun rises.  The full moon was still up and the mist was rolling in from the hills I desire, oh Mull of Kintyre.....that's what came to mind as the shutter started clicking.  These are just a few of my favourites.

The room we slept in was at peace, Ethan & Sam were reading and Toby was playing quietly with his cars.  Toby came out with me a bit later and followed me around while I took photos, he is one of my favourite subjects.

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