Wednesday, 25 June 2008

No camera just memories

Our camera is in being fixed at the moment, one of the little prongs or contacts that the memory card plugs into is bent, so the camera doesn't work at all.  I feel very lost not having my second pair of eyes and my second memory to capture our latest activities.  :+(   So to fill in the gaps I'm taking a trip down memory lane.

Here is a photo of my sister Gabby (on the right) and I all dressed up in our party frocks and jiffy shoes to match.  I'm not sure where we were going, a wedding, a bbq, I'm sure someone in the family could help me out.  It's funny because when I look at photos of us when we were little, Gabby is so much like Sam and I think I look like Ethan and Toby.  I love seeing our soft little faces and lovely blonde hair and I love seeing it in my boys today too.  My mum made those dresses with little bags to match, very pretty, alas I have no girls but I'm still happy with my boys.

This photo was taken at the back corner of our house at Kenmore in Brisbane probably around 1972.  I love seeing the old photos and the old neighbourhood where I grew up.  The vacant land out the front is now filled in with houses, I still like to go for a drive around the neighbourhood when I get a chance.


Stacy said...

Party frocks and jiffy shoes huh! So adorable. I love looking at old pictures. Thanks for sharing!

Hope you get your camera back soon.

Mari said...

aaaaah, you're such an adorable pair! And the family resemblance is definately there.

Carli said...

Beautiful dresses and hair... give us some more old pics!! How about wedding ones!