Sunday 13 December 2009


It's been two years since I started this blog.  I remember I was so anxious every time I posted, was it ok, what will people think, how will my photo's look, should I press the publish button??  It is now not so nerve wracking and I really enjoy sharing with family, friends and the blogging community little bits and pieces of our life.  I have met some lovely bloggers online who share their lives and inspiration as well.

Hopefully in the past two years my writing and photography has improved.  My photo's are what give me the fuel to keep on blogging (so are my children and the happenings in our life) if I don't take  lots of photo's my memory starts playing tricks on me.

So have a look back at December 2007, it's not that much different from today, except the boys have grown a whole lot and I have worked out a few more things about blogging.  Have a look over at what has grown from this blog, "What's for Dinner Mum?".  My talents are slowly expanding bit by bit, and keeps me a little creative in this crazy, busy family. I hope you enjoy visiting my blogs.  As a little two year celebration here's my Christmas chocolate star cookie recipe to share.  It is the Christmas Season after all, so Happy Holidays to all!!


Reza@Blogging Guide said...

Nice pictures and nice blog too!

Reza from Blogging Guide

Roger said...

2 years! Seems like last week - and I'm still just as impressed with the baking.