Friday 3 December 2010

Drama Class

Today Sam played the part of James Bond in a play called "Cosmic Bond".  Sam's drama teacher Halina wrote the play for the class and they performed it in front of the whole school in their last official K-6 assembly.  It was a fun play and Sam loved the opportunity to play Bond.  He was suave, sophisticated, very cool and funny.  Sam is quite the natural on the stage and held his character well.  The whole school laughed every time James Bond appeared with themed music and a little gun play.  Eat your heart out Daniel Craig, Sam is the new G rated Bond. So here's little taste of the best James Bond.

PS:  The gun has been hidden away now, although Donald is veeeeerrrry tempted to load it with caps and start playing with it himself.

1 comment:

Roger said...

Shades of things to come perhaps.