Wednesday 22 October 2008

The Eagle has flown

It's always a sad day when my mum heads back home after staying with us. She arrived with a giant box of my favourite chocolates and fresh strawberries from the farm around the corner from her house. After much shopping, visiting plant nurseries, going out for lunches and morning tea's, she doesn't leave until she's bought me some beautiful flowers and books for the boys.

So here are some glimpses of her stay.  Cowgirl Jan at the Pioneer heritage day.

Grandma with the boys cruising the streets on their bikes.  

More battles with Tobyone

Breakfast with Grandma, always sharing her porridge with the boys as they sit like little baby chicks with their mouths open begging for more.

My mum has very long hair which she plaits and wraps around her head.

With Grandma around the house is always tidy, dishes done and laundry all clean and folded, now it's back to messy house, dishes in the sink and my mountain of laundry.  We love you and miss you Grandma and appreciate all that you do for us, even if we don't say it much.

1 comment:

Carli said...

Your Mum is the quintessent grandma! Her hair is both stunning and feminine and that is a beautiful photo Lisha.