Monday 30 November 2009

Ah the blessed rain...

I wasn't expecting any rain today. It was a perfect dry, but coolish, morning. I even washed blankets today and had them hanging on the line. So while out at the shops I was a little disappointed to see that all of the cars were covered in droplets from a rain shower. Not to worry, I'll have to dry the blankets in the drier. After another weekend of hot 40 degree weather, a headache bordering on migraine doesn't mix well with heat. It was refreshing to put on a jacket this afternoon and listen to the heavy rain showers on the roof and feel the cool air. The temperature had dropped to 15 degrees.

While walking home from school the boys enjoyed the puddles to jump in and overflowing gutters to splash in. A perfect afternoon for building dams and floating jacaranda flowers down little rivers.

I think it's a veggie lasagne night tonight. See recipe here.

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