Monday 23 November 2009

Our weekend

It has been a very hot weekend. Luckily for Sam he chose the best activity as part of his birthday celebrations. After a hot Friday afternoon with friends over from school for some cake and ice cream, Saturday morning was spent ice skating with just the family.

Surprisingly there weren't many people ice skating and at times we almost had the whole ice rink to ourselves. It was so cool and refreshing.

There were a few bumps, bruises and tears, we even had to get the frozen peas out for the egg on the back of Ethan's head.

Toby learned to ice skate by himself, but still needed a little help and a pull along for a ride.

Sunday came and it was present opening time, it was still very hot with record highs of 40 to 42 degrees all across the weekend.

As Donald had been doing a little extra work on another project we ran out of time to ice one of Donald's cakes. So instead we did a Lisha special, cut the cake in half and added cream, strawberries and blue berries and a little chocolate shavings on top.

I think we plan to ice the rest of the cake tonight as our family home evening activity.

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