Thursday 3 December 2009

Slow down

My goodness the days are getting busy at the moment. Today is my official day to slow down. In fact it's so slow that I haven't even sent the boys to school today.

Our weekends are busy packed with Christmas activities, searching for a new lounge, more Christmas activities and going to Church. There is no off day, there is no rest day. Except for today.

The moment I decided to keep the boys home from school my perspective on life lifted, I felt joy. The boys weren't sure if I was serious or not, they too felt excitement. We are having a mental stress day.

It is time to start feeling the Christmas spirit. Not in a forced way by having to attend Christmas activities or buying presents, but by starting to bring the spirit into our own home. We are preparing our house (cleaning and tidying) to make room for the decorations.

Little by little we'll clear the clutter and add a little sparkle.

Last night we had the boys school Christmas carols. They spent the evening playing with their friends, having lightsabre battles with their candles and climbing trees and occasionally singing some carols. It was the beginning of my "slow down".

The sparkles have begun. I hope you're feeling a little sparkly at the beginning of the Christmas season. If not, take some time out and slow feels good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It must be catching - we were both so tired from work we played truant from class last night. To stay home and have a leisurely dinner,watch Shrek and have an early night.

Gabriella the tired shoeseller