Wednesday 13 April 2011

Blue Sky and lots of Colour

Yesterday afternoon I took a lovely nap in the sun with Amelia, she is a fantastic napping companion.   The air was cool and crisp but the sun was very warming when it wasn't hidden behind cloud.

After many visits to the doctor, she, the doctor that is, has concluded that I am suffering from a "Virus" and here I thought I was suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis.   Donald had similar symptoms at the same time although he never had any headache or neck ache and he's all better now.  For the last week I have also had very bad neck pain which extends up to my head into a migraine.  It just won't go away so I've been trying to take it easy.  Woe is me : + /

I went for a walk this morning, a slow paced wander around the neighbourhood.  I took my camera as it is such a beautiful Autumn day.  The sky is so blue and barely a wisp of a cloud floating by.  I needed to get out and lift my spirits, they are pretty low at the moment.  

The Hibiscus and Camellias seem to be flowering the most at the moment.  Lots of lovely pinks and oranges and of course the Autumn leaves are just starting to show a change from green to rich red.  It is such a beautiful day.  I hope you are enjoying your day, whether it be Autumn in the Southern Hemisphere or Spring in the North.  Both wondrous seasons full of colour.

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