Monday, 2 March 2009

Canberra trip - day 3

Donald made breakfast for us of pancakes and bacon, but everytime he tried to cook a pancake on the pan it burnt, not necessarily through Donald's fault (cause Donald makes great pancakes) a combination of the thin dodgy pan, the shake and bake pancake mix and gas stove top.  So every time a pancake was cooked the fire alarm went off.  It went off about 5 times.  I ended up standing on a chair fanning the fire alarm with the Canberra travel guide.  Needless to say only 5 pancakes were made.  I'm suprised the neighbours didn't complain or the manangement come out in their pj's to see who's cabin was on fire.

Anyway we packed the car and headed for Parliament House (PH) again.  This time we got to tour through the inside.  On my school trip in year 7 we got to visit inside the old PH and attended morning tea with Flo Bjelke-Petersen, so the new PH was astonishing.  What an amazing place with lots of incredible details inside by Australian artists and designers.  

My favourite things to see were, the inlaid wooden designs of Australian flora all around the entrance of PH, 

an Arthur Boyd painting (I'm rather partial to an Arthur Boyd painting)... 

...that was created as a design for this magnificent tapestry, a bit blurry sorry.  

The silky oak benches everywhere, I wanted to rip one up and take it home with me.
Donald was our tour guide, as he'd been here before on his way down to Moto GP, so we toured the building and various parliamentary rooms with commentary by Donald.  
The Green room, House of Representatives

The Pinky/Red Room, The Senate

The Throne room

Sorry about that one, that just slipped in there, the throne room from PH.  We also went up on the roof top for the spectacular views of Canberra.  

The old PH in the distance

Crazy kids

Kids getting in trouble

Kids in various stages of "time out"

To be continued.....


Mandy's Pink Home said...

Love the photos< I,ve never been to PH but all my children once they get to gr7 go...Glad you had a nice trip.

Carli said...

Jam-packed!! Beautiful there, isn't it. We went to flo-jo's cafe in Tassie! (he he love time-out pictures are funny).