I love mornings on my ever so clean front porch. The coolness of the night still lingers, a gentle breeze shifts the leaves in the trees and my Maidenhair ferns, birds dart across the patch of blue sky between the Camellia's that camouflage me from walkers passing by, as I sit on my front porch lounge chair.
I have been reading my scriptures here of a morning either after a walk or with my morning bowl of cereal. I am trying to savour the words I read, sometimes I just get distracted by this beauty that surrounds me or a lizard rustling through the ground cover. It brings me a little peace and calm and helps me to look for good in the day. Thank you to everyone for your encouragement of my photography and for leaving comments, it inspires me and lifts me up. A kind word does me a world of good.
This little fellow started me off on my photo taking spree this morning. I saw him there just sitting and he let me get so close. Little did I know he was eyeing off a poor moth for his breakfast. Isn't it interesting to note the eye colour change from red above to a green below once he had caught the moth. I'm not sure if it was the reflection of light on his eyes or the angle of the camera but they look like two different bugs.
The cooler nights we've been having are just bliss. I've even had the blanket over me in bed, mind you all the doors and windows are still wide open but the cooler night air is so refreshing. It has been another migraine week but the cooler weather definitely helps get through it easier.
The weeds are seeding and blowing away, and the pecan nuts are growing on the tree next door, I can hear them starting to drop onto their roof.....now I know Autumn is not far away.