Wednesday 19 November 2008

Babies in the house

For the past couple of weeks Toby has been very maternal.  He has been looking after and playing with every soft toy in the house.  On many occasions he has given birth to at least 5 or 6 of his babies at a time.  They travel around the house via truck, shoe box, laundry bucket or just shoved up his shirt (ready for re-birthing).

Then comes feeding time so Toby comes to the source of  I am expected to breast feed them all at Toby's request and I will keep hearing a little cry "Waaaa Waaaaa Waaaa" until I do feed them.  I stick them to my chest and make slurping sounds while Toby watches with a soft smile.  Then he gathers them one by one to burp them and tuck them into a shoe box bed.  

At night time and nap time it is a trial to find enough places for them all in the bed, but we manage.


Mari said...

that is too cute!!!!!

Carli said...

Toby you are the sweetest little boy.