Tuesday 18 November 2008

Bounteous harvest

The carrots have been in the ground for the last year and I was rather curious to see why they were still growing.  I love the crossed legs carrot in the middle.  The strawberries are what's left after the bugs found them.  We have however managed to pick a strawberry each day that is worthy of eating I just couldn't find one yesterday.  As for updates on my basil there are about 6 plants left out of about 25  planted that haven't been eaten by the caterpillars falling from the trees above.  There are no spring onions to be seen.  I take back my claim to a green thumb. :+/ 


Roger said...

That sounds like my gardening experiences - I have decided that the only thing I can consistently keep alive and flourishing is kids!

Carli said...

My basil is dying too!! I don't know what to do! I think your carrots look AWESOME :)