Saturday 22 March 2008

Harmony Day

Thursday was our schools day to celebrate Harmony Day.  The children could wear a national costume from a different country or wear orange, the colour that represents Harmony Day.  It's a very multicultural day at our school, as I imagine it is for every school.  Flags from all of the different countries flying, that's our Canadian flag below. 

Korean, Chinese, Vietnamese, Balinese, Ghanan, Indian, Fijian and more national costumes that I may not have recognised looked just beautiful on all of the children.  The school also watched a singing and drum performance of Ghanan/African music, and learnt a little about the culture as well, which they loved.

Well we may not have the Canadian national dress, what I imagine to be an ice hockey uniform (we'll have to work on that one for next year)an Inuit Eskimo outfit or First Nation dress.  However we do have shirts with the Canadian flag on that I made up last year the night before Harmony Day. 

I did give the boys the choice of their Irish soccer uniforms or Canadian shirts, but they felt Canadian was who they really were. Sam born in Canada and Ethan born in Australia of Canadian dad and Australian mum. So we claim that Ethan & Toby are at least half Canadian half Australian.

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