Monday 10 March 2008

On the way to school

Every morning on our walk to school, we pass a big spiderweb, bigger than any I've ever seen, even bigger than the one in our front yard, I have yet to capture it with the camera.  We also walk past the house on the corner with the lovely dahlias and the crepe myrtle that is still flowering beautifully.

The highlight of our walk is the Camelia bush around the corner. 

All of the flowers are opening and in the morning we might  be lucky enough for a drop or two of nectar.


The boys flock to the flowers like bees, they poke their fingers into the center of the flowers and pull them out sticky with yellow pollen and dripping nectar.  On a very dewy morning the nectar just runs down your hand.  It's a lovely way to start our mornings.

1 comment:

Roger said...

Lucky boys to live such a charmed life - our kids are lucky like that too - and I worry about them being grateful enough and doing enough with such a blessing.