Sunday 23 March 2008

Royal Easter Show Part 1

On Good Friday the Earth Walkers made it out the door by 8.15am.  It was a miracle!  We caught the train to Olympic Park and were in the show grounds by 9.15am.  The plan was to hit the Dairy Farmers Milking Barn for the milking and cheese making display and give the boys a chance at milking the cows.  After waiting in line for a little bit, and after chasing Toby away from the penned sheep for the fifth time.....he was more interested in the sheep.....we were let in to milk the cows.  All three boys practiced on the water filled rubber glove first before being let loose on the poor cows udders.  I just hope they don't expect those same cows to produce milk all day long for a million kids.

Sam was up first, then Ethan.

They all managed a squirt of milk, even Toby, and all enjoyed the experience.  

Next stop was the chickens, roosters, ducks and geese.  It was soooo much fun hearing the roosters constantly crowing, included in that were my three little roosters who were louder than all of the real ones. 

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