Saturday 3 January 2009

Camping in the back room

While we are stripping wallpaper and painting the boys room Sam, Ethan and Toby have been sleeping in the first home that Donald and I ever bought.  Yes, a long time ago we bought a tent together and it's the only home we own, although we did upgrade to a larger tent when we had kids.  It's getting a little worn but it is keeping the boys cosy and entertained until their room is paint fume free.

It takes a little while each night before they settle down and Toby is usually the one jumping around so he then gets to go to sleep on our bed and later gets carried out to the tent in the back room.

I did suggest they all sleep outside in the tent, they were a little dubious about that.


Caroline said...

Sounds like fantastic fun if you ask me.
My youngest ds got a tent from his big bro for christmas & has been camping out with his dog ever since. Poor Poor child.LOL!!

Debbie said...

great pictures!!!