Tuesday 6 January 2009

Hot, hot, hot

How to keep cool on a stinking hot summers day.  Bring out the old blow up paddling pool.  

Add a little water, (not too much-water restrictions), add some toys and paddle and play.

Munch on watermelon in the pool.

The boys have had so much fun playing in the pool, I had to drag Toby out because he was shivering so much, even though it's 36 degrees Celcius (or about 98F).  This morning we also went for a walk early, while it was actually nice and cool, to use up a bit of the boys energy.  We had a fun walk up near where Toby will start pre-school this year and past some lovely big oak trees.  We went on an acorn collecting spree and this is what we came home with. 

And this is what I'm doing with the acorns, adding a little nature to my table.

I love the little berets that the acorns wear, like little French people.


Anonymous said...

Lots nice photos in your blog! interesting bloggiing!

Mari said...

I love ze French acorns!
Thankfully I got to spend the day at work - I love the air-conditioning there!

PS - can't believe Toby is starting pre-school already ?!?!?!