Thursday 21 February 2008

Birkenhead Point

On Saturday Donald thought it might be a nice idea to go out for lunch with the family and Birkenhead Point was the place to do it.  Lunch in a nice outdoor setting, watching the boats, relaxation,  a fun family outing.  

After 20 minutes in the car of "I'm hungry, when do we get there, I'm bored, do we have to go"........we finally arrived.  Now our first objective was to find food and fast.  Ethan had forgotten to eat breakfast (too busy playing) and was halfway into meltdown.  So we went to the Turkish food place and got some yummy things, I can't remember their names.  They were a soft crepe with cheese & spinach, chicken or beef inside and cooked on a hot grill.

After wolfing down our lunch we decided to look at the shops......Big Mistake...... "Do we have to, can we go home, I want to play Nintendo........" etc, etc.  We were the family that people look at and say "Can't they control their kids?"  There was wrestling on the floor outside Colorado, hiding under the clothes racks and building forts out of tent bags in Katmandu and plenty more.

So rules to follow when shopping with children:

1. Feed them before you go anywhere

2. Don't give them fizzy drink

3. Don't take your children shopping with you 

4.  Definately don't take your children shopping with you  :+/


Stacy said...

Glad to know it isn't just me that has trouble shopping with my kids - try to avoid taking all of them if I can. Thanks for the rules of shopping with kids!!

Roger said...

I completely understand - I just took Max shopping (just one kid) and was seriously starting to wonder if he is hyperactive - but when we got back to the car he buckled himself in and said "I am pretty impressed with how sensible I was today" - it's all about perspective - the boys probably thought they were great.

Carli said...

I will remember your wise words Princess Lisha.