Monday 25 February 2008

Hand Stands

I have vague recollections of a photo taken of Gabby (my sister) and I doing hand stands either in our back yard at Kenmore or at Hervey Bay on holiday when we were kids.  I think we were wearing our Holly Hobby smock tops and shorts.  Seeing the boys attempting hand stands and head stands brought back memories of doing cartwheels, hand stands and head stands in our back yard and even cartwheels down our front slope at Kenmore.  You just kept on going until you got too dizzy or ran into a tree!


Anonymous said...

Actually I am pretty sure it was at a park in Toowoomba and we were wearing dresses. Possibly ones from a ballet concert ? Gabby

Deso said...

Actually I have one taken on a beach after being out on the boat with Ken and Jan. Lisha, I just think you liked showing your pants! Desley